Regular price $235.88This kit includes the HAMR-54 Motor Retainer and HAMR-54/38 Adapter!
Andromeda comes standard with pre-beveled 0.093 G-10 fins! The Quantum Tube airframe, thick plastic nosecone, and parachute are chosen for their reliability and durability in order to survive the rigors of repeat flights. The HAMR-54 set included with this kit allows you to fly H-J motors, making it ideal for both Levels 1 & 2. By using the included HAMR-54/38 adapter, she can accommodate 38mm, or 54mm motors so you can fly anywhere, anytime. This beautiful rocket is both easy to build and a joy to fly.
Andromeda 54/38 Kit Instructions
Diameter: 3.9" | Height: 64.5" | MMT: 54mm MMT w/ Adapter for 38mm
Parachute: 60" Nylon | Payload: 12"
Fin Array: 3 | Fin Thickness: 0.093" Pre-beveled
The ANDROMEDA 54/38 is an easy-to-build kit for Level 1 and 2 flights. This rocket stands 64.5" tall, is 3.9" diameter and has a 3 fin design. This rocket comes standard with a 54mm MMT w/ Adapter for a 38mm motor mount and can fly on H-J motors. At ~68 oz., the 60" nylon parachute is sized right for the stock kit to make a safe landing under most field conditions. This kit comes standard with 1000 series rail guides for use with 80/20 brand launch rails. A Kevlar tether replaces the piston for an extra layer of shock cord protection and durability.
It is prudent to sim your kit/motor combination using the actual weight of your finished model to determine max velocity, altitude, ejection delay, etc. This will allow you to make an informed decision when selecting a suitable motor for your rocket. Please consult with a NAR or Tripoli certified member to ensure your flights are fun and safe.
I did my level 1 attempt with the Andromeda variant that has piston. This using the 54 to 38mm adapter kit with aerotech h engine. The flight was nail straight up in the sky and landing was perfect within 50 meters from the launcpad, not even a scratch on the rocket.