3.9" Carbon Airframe Tubing
Regular price Sale price $325.76Carbon Airframe Tubing: 3.9" diameter, 60" long
Made to order 2-4 week lead time.
All Ultra-Light Series airframes have a wall thicknesses 0.040" This series is perfect for competitions where very low weight and high strength are top priorities.
Save money by flying Ultra-Light carbon fiber!
The savings becomes apparent at launch time. As an example, most 3" diameter rockets require a full G or H motor just to get them off the pad. Using our Ultra-Lite carbon components you can fly a 4" diameter rocket to high altitudes using the same motors! This also means you can fly a huge rocket Pre-Cert or with just a Level 1 cert. Or, if you do want to use larger motors, the Ultra-Lite series allows you to use the long burn motors to achieve much higher altitudes than ever before.
All Premium Series airframes have a wall thicknesses 0.056". This series is perfect for all flight profiles including high thrush, high velocity applications where low weight and super high strength are top priorities.
About the same weight as our phenolic yet stronger as our Glass-Wrapped Phenolic Tubing. High strength combined with great impact resistance makes the airframe tubing an excellent choice for any rocket. Premium Series components are preferred for trans-sonic and super-sonic flight.
The days of the 100+ pound Level 3 rocket are over!
Until now Level 3 rockets were very heavy. The process goes like this: "I want to get my Cert Level 3 using a small M motor. This rocket needs to be strong. To make it strong, it will be heavy. Because it is so heavy, I need to make it stronger. Now it`s even heavier so I better make it stronger..." Before you know it, your rocket won`t fly on that "baby" M you planned to use. The per-launch price just went through the roof! How would you like a Level 3 rocket that you can also fly on a much less expensive L or even K motor? Well now you can!
We have no idea why you would ever need an airframe this strong, but maybe you`re crazier that we are! These Extreme Series airframes have a wall thickness of 0.072" and are crazy- strong! Going for record breaking speeds and/or altitudes? These Extreme components are for people that leave nothing to chance.