Hello! We wanted to keep everyone in the know of what we have done the past few months. We’ll announce quarterly updates showcasing our product improvements, new products and a peek of what we’re working on.
Baffle System for diameters 2.56″ to 7.5″
The new LOC baffle system is a modification of the old “snuffer tube”. It’s design is simple and straight forward and protects your recovery system from motor ejection sparks and flame. By forcing the air up, back down, and out the top it cools and prevents sparks from getting through. Mounted inside a coupler, you can choose to install it just about any place in the booster section. An eye bolt is included as a shock cord mount as well. Motor retention is strongly suggested as there will be an increase in pressure on the aft side.
Nylon Webbing Shock Cord
Based on feedback in the field, we have decided to implement a new style of shock cord. While the underwear strap has done well for us over the years :-)…The shock cord is 3/8″ flat nylon webbing that sports 950lbs tensile strength. We have two sizes currently 12′ @ 1.2oz and 15′ @ 1.6oz. The ends will have a sewn loop. We have started implementing this into ISP Performance kits where weight is not a concern but tubular nylon would be overkill. Kits that will have the nylon webbing standard will also get a 3rd centering ring or other means of retention. Keep an eye on the quarterly updates for a complete list!

The baffle includes a 3″ coupler with 2 – 29mm ejection gas cooling tubes. The shock cord is 3/8″ flat nylon webbing that sports 950lbs tensile strength.

We are happy to introduce the LOC RNWS. Currently available in the 7.5″ Phoenix. This will become standard in the 5.5″ and 7.5″ V2 kits 1/1/2018 as well as future kits. In the past inherently unstable kits such as the V2, Phoenix and HAWK, one would epoxy a certain amount of weight in the nose. Thus limiting them to certain motors for stability. With the LOC RNWS you can change weight on the fly for stability purposes utilizing a single cone. These will also be available shortly for retail purchases.

2.56″ Patriot
One of the Retro LOC kits we were happy to bring back! Sports 3x 38mm Motors for clustered flights. An trio of MMA-3s can be used if you desire 29mm motors instead. Comes with a 36″ Heavy duty Nylon Parachute, 15′ of nylon webbing to hold it all together and sports a 4-3″ reducer for a payload area. Original instructions are included for reference. A 4″ Baffle system is utilized for Shock Cord mounting.
Multiple requests, you have asked and we listened! Moving forward LOC will not be producing LOC-N-Fin sets for kits. They’ll be replaced with fin tabs to the motor tube for strength.
4″ Electronics Bay Sled update
That’s all for now. We’re currently working on revitalizing the Mini Missile line and soon to re-release the 2″ BBX, Sandhawk, IQSY Tomahawk and new HAWK.
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LOC Precision